Simple adjustable tension as well as multiple computer programs, portable wheel system,adjustable seat, heart rate control capability, contact heart rate sensors, computer readout of heart rate, speed, time, distance & calories. This bike is designed for early age elementary children. Comes standard with contact heart rate sensors. Available optional add pedal straps, adjustable seat belt, add-on ear sensor.
The SS101 is used by schools, YMCAʼs, pediatric physical therapists for rehab and fitness work with very small children.
Rachel Decker
Content Strategist , HubSpot, inc.
“ Use the testimonial module to introduce yourself in an approachable way. Talk about your vision for your company, or what it is you love most about doing what you do. ”
Rachel Decker
Content Strategist , HubSpot, inc.
“ Use the testimonial module to introduce yourself in an approachable way. Talk about your vision for your company, or what it is you love most about doing what you do. ”
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