Lat Pull provides back support for the child as well as a foot rest bar which ensures proper positioning. Resistance is adjustable. The junior model provides a choice of narrow or wide grips. Protective covering on cylinders ensures the safety of all users. Elementary model is powder coated in fire red while the junior sized model is powder coated in a deep brilliant purple.Portable wheel system makes it easy for instructors to store units and/or reconfigure fitness circuits.
Recommended for: Rehabilitation Centers, School Fitness.
Rachel Decker
Content Strategist , HubSpot, inc.
“ Use the testimonial module to introduce yourself in an approachable way. Talk about your vision for your company, or what it is you love most about doing what you do. ”
Rachel Decker
Content Strategist , HubSpot, inc.
“ Use the testimonial module to introduce yourself in an approachable way. Talk about your vision for your company, or what it is you love most about doing what you do. ”
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